We Dance
Floating gossamer veils caught in the upward spiral
of smoke reflect a spark of firelight.
Spicy aromas, like incense, permeate the body
transmuting into droplets of salty moisture,
Teasing the veneer of our humanness... trickling...
glistening in trails of celestial adornment.
Savoring sweet fruit, we moisten the lips tasting
incarnate remnants of infinite desire.
Drumbeats ravage nerve endings, gyrating the body
with spontaneous vibrations... controlled.
Bare feet cradled in soft simmering sand, near
the crackling fire, spin us into ancient memories.
Sensations of the eternal dance and nomadic
movements send our souls to times of worship:
Through jungle gyrations and erotic chants with
shocking paint expressing intrigue and passion; ...
In sandy streets with plentiful baskets of balance
riding aloft, held in poise by graceful necks; ...
Upon mountain tops, inside circles of orchids,
with the sounds of waterfalls joining in with
the excitement of the music; ...
Seeing gypsy campsites with spangles sparkling
in the moonlight and tambourines bouncing
on taunting hips; ...
Touching cool, palace floors with hips and palms,
rotating to strings and windpipes as serpents
are mesmerized in coil;...
Stomping with belled ankles on wooden stages
above a sea of faces and flood lights that blind us
of the present day;...
We dance, ... to haunting rites and rhythms
from all times, undulating in fluid motion with
the heartbeat of the universe.