"Sixty-Five Roses"

Upon learning that my four-year-old son
Richard, had cystic fibrosis,
I was in shock, then I mourned.
Finally I became furious and fought back.
Franticly every night I would call everywhere
Looking for help; there was none.
One night after several long and agonizing
Phone calls pleading for help,
Richard came into the room
And said, "Mommy I know who you work for."
With some trepidation,
I posed the question back to him, "Who, Richard?"
"Sixty-five roses," he said with a smile.
I went to him and tenderly pressed his tiny body
To mine so he could not see
The tears running down my cheeks.
I was amazed since I had never told him
That he had advanced liver cancer.
Then as I hugged him, I realized
He couldn't pronounce cystic fibrosis,
So now every time, for the past thirty-eight years,
As I visit Richard, I smile and cry as I gaze upon
A seven-year-old's gravestone
That reads "sixty-five roses."

Copyright ©2004 John Faucett

Art by VCW "Roses and Child"
Through My Window Presents Poetry by John Faucett 


Theres no place to hide
When the lightning is hurled
God's in his heaven
All that's left of the world
Is crying

Copyright ©2003 John Faucett

The Oracle

Poetry comes nearer
To the vital truth
Than history
The true poet
Is very near the oracle

Copyright © John Faucett

Somebodys Calling 

Theres a telephone ringing beside my bed
Theres a choir singing inside my head
Is it a song of prayer
Is it a song of love
Is it past or future
Is it all of the above

Copyright ©2003 John Faucett


Freedom from the reds and the blacks and the criminals
Prostitutes, pansies and punks
Football hooligans, juvenile delinquents, lesbians and terrorist scum
Freedom from the ricans and the packies and the unions
Freedom from the gypsies and jews
Freedom from the long hair layabouts and students
Freedom from the likes of you

Copyright ©2003 John Faucett

More information on John's work and a link to his web site appear at the bottom of this page.
Click on the bar below to visit John's site "THE PEN & BRUSH," or if it is necessary, I have displayed his site address below to cut and paste into your browser. There is a new limited edition chapbook signed by the author that is available for purchase on his site called "FIVE FROM THE SKY." He also offers other editions that include his work.

Poetry by John Faucett                   "THE PEN & BRUSH"                          Poetry by John Faucett
email me at:  vcw.freedom@juno.com

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